A Close Look at Robert Gray's Intestinal Cleansing Program

Robert Gray was one of the original masters at mucoid plaque removal. He was a nutritionist, herbalist and an innovator who made significant contributions to the subject. He developed an intestinal cleansing program, which you can buy at holistichorizons.com. His book, The Colon Health Handbook: New Health Through Colon Rejuvenation, is a must-read. It contains valuable information about mucoid plaque removal, mucus-less foods, mucoactive herbology, lactobacteria enhancement, cleansing reactions, and other subjects.

Robert Gray's most significant contribution, I think, is his pioneering use of mucolytic herbs to loosen, soften, or dissolve mucoid plaque. According to his book, acacia gum, aloes, barberry bark, bayberry bark, chickweed, chives, corn silk, golden seal root, grapes, iceberg lettuce, irish moss, olive oil, plantain, red clover flowers, rosemary, spirulina plankton, white bryony root, yellow dock root, and zucchini are all mucolytic herbs that act upon the "mucoid" in the gastrointestinal tract. Plantain is of key importance he says. It augments the activity of many different mucolytic herbs. When used alone, plantain has significant, albeit not extraordinary, mucolytic activity. However, when plantain is used synergistically along with other mucolytic herbs, it changes a good herbal formula into an excellent one.

Robert Gray's formula is a mixture of psyllium, rosemary, chickweed, cloves, plantain, bayberry, cornsilk extract, irish moss, onion, dandelion root, spirulina, and d-calcium pantothenate. The bayberry, chickweed, cornsilk extract, irish moss, plantain, and rosemary are all mucolytic herbs that synergistically act on the mucoid plaque in the gastrointestinal tract. The onion, dandelion root, and spirulina enhance the growth of intestinal lactobacteria. The psyllium is there to sweep out the mucoid plaque once it has been dissolved by the mucolytic herbs.

A unique feature of his intestinal cleansing program is that you are not required to fast. Previous healers like Victor Earl Irons and Bernard Jensen required you to fast. He believed that the only reason fasting works is because you are not eating mucus-forming foods. In my previous blog post I explain that mucus-forming foods are in actuality foods that directly or indirectly cause damage to the mucosa, which results in a "mucoid cap" forming over the damaged area and that some modern pathologists inappropriately refer to mucoid cap as "mucus". Anyway, the idea he has is that so-called mucus-forming foods cause fresh mucoid cap to form. He says that the mucolytic herbs will act on the fresh mucoid cap rather than the old hardened mucoid cap thus preventing you from making significant progress. So you don't need to fast — just eat a mucus-less diet.

I should point out that Robert Gray did not understand correctly what mucoid plaque actually was. He thought it was old compacted feces mixed in with sticky mucus. He was wrong. Mucoid plaque is actually mucoid cap. See my previous blog post for more details. That being said, his misunderstanding makes little practical difference given that medical science incidentally uses mucolytic agents to dissolve mucoid cap anyway.[1]

Robert Gray created an intestinal cleansing program that removes the mucoid cap layer by layer, promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria, minimizes constipation, requires no fasting or enemas, and allows you to make dietary changes gradually at your own pace. I cannot tell you that it is the most powerful program or the only method you will need. But it is certainly perfect for beginners and a valuable tool to add to your cleansing repertoire.


[1] See journal article called "Role of mucus in the repair of gastric epithelial damage in the rat. Inhibition of epithelial recovery by mucolytic agents". They talk about how they used the mucolytic agents N-acetylcysteine or pepsin to disintegrate the "mucoid cap" layer.


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